Sunday, October 3, 2010

thanks for this!


big thanks to you Johanes Paulus Barli!
for this video that makes me really surprised.
you're not a romantic person, but you always tried to make me smile anytime and anywhere
and this video is one of the most happy things that you give it for me.
and today, we've 22nd month anniv and i'm so glad about this.
i wish we could always to love each other . :)
GodBless Us :)

Saturday, October 2, 2010

satu pelajaran yg gw dapet!

satu pelajaran yang gw dapet hari ini ,
jangan pernah mengambil suatu keputusan dalam keadaan lo emosi!
hanya kesalahan besar yang bakal lo dapetin.
jgn pernah ngambil satu keputusan cuma buat kepentingan lo sendiri
tapi pikirin juga untuk orang lain.